duminică, 12 septembrie 2010

Sinagoga evreiasca si Strada Sforii - Brasov

Sinagoga Brasov

A fost construita in anul 1899 dupa planurile arhitectului Leopold Baumhorn, format la Scoala Vieneza.

Sinagoga a fost inaugurata la 20 august 1901. Constructia cu elemente de Art - Nouveau, care se remarca pe fatada, dateaza din 1915.

Strada Sforii

Coborand de la Sinagoga pe partea dreapta la 50 m se afla Strada Sforii. Ea dateaza de la inceputul sec. al XIII-lea, fiind singura strada din oras ai carei pereti pot fi atinsi cu ambele brate, avand 1,32 metri latime si 83 metri lungime.
Strada Sforii reflecta tendintele de urbanizare a Brasovului medieval.

Situated on the second place from tourist point of view after the Black Church , Rope Street is a tourist attraction that no one will miss it if will came in Brasov for few days .It’s been considered the narrowest street of Eastern Europe, while others consider even the most narrowest street in Europe.

Any tourist once arrived in Brasov and has a handy guide for places to be visited in Brasov want to reach the narrow street of the city.

It was restored in 2003 after hundreds of years was used as a fire access track. Rope Street is documented in the seventeenth century and reflects the trends of urbanization of medieval Brasov.

The pavement It was changed and walls were restored. Street regained its former charm also because the lights which looks exactly like those used years ago. The existing lights have been ordered by the existing model at the museum, the only difference is that today no longer works with gas.

Today, Rope Street is the meeting place of lovers the main reason is obvious as long has a width varying between 111 and 135 cm and 80 m long.

Strada Sforii Brasov

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